History Retrouvaille is a non-profit and all volunteer ministry that collectively impacts more struggling marriages and families than any other ministry in the world.
It began in 1977 in the province of Quebec, Canada. It was adapted to English by the community in Toronto, who also revised and strengthened the contents of The Weekend Program and developed the Post-Weekend Programs. Today, the worldwide Retrouvaille ministry has active communities in Canada, Central & South America, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and the Western Pacific.
The community of Retrouvaille London-St. Thomas Ontario started in February 2004. As of December 31, 2019 we've been able to help 358 couples who have attended our weekends.
Mission Statement Retrouvaille is an International community of disciples committed to the continued healing of their marriages and, empowered by the Holy Spirit, sharing their stories, talents and gifts to promote and spread the healing ministry of Retrouvaille.
Vision Statement We believe that every marriage, a union of one man and one woman, deserves the opportunity to survive, be mended, healed and subsequently thrive as a covenant of life and love. Retrouvaille is the place where we, as hurting couples, found hope and so we are passionately committed to dramatically increasing the number of couples served in both new and existing communities worldwide.